Pray with Us
Our ministry depends on prayer. We pray before we start working on the streets and when we finish. We pray as we walk. We pray for God to reach down and change situations and outcomes and people’s hearts.
God’s involvement on the streets as we serve is fundamental. Therefore engaging in prayer for our ministry is vital. We recognise that not everyone is able or suited to working out on the streets as a Street Chaplain. We invite you to join with us in praying.
We have regular times when we get together to pray and if you live in the Cairns area we invite you to join us. Call the 0408 697 947 for more details.
Regular Prayer Items
- Give thanks for our Street Chaplain volunteers – men and women who fill the roster each shift (four people each Friday and four each Saturday night) to be Jesus’ hands and feet, bringing His compassion, peace and non-judgemental love to the Safe Night Precinct of Cairns. Praise God for their willingness to go without a night’s sleep once or twice each month to serve in this way. Pray for God’s blessing over each of them and their families.
- Pray for new volunteers to join us – committed Christian men and women with a heart to serve as part of the team.
- Give thanks for those we serve alongside in the city – police officers, paramedics, venue and city security, tank rank marshals and camera room personnel. Pray for their safety and for unity and cooperation as we work together in the Safe Night Precinct.
- Pray for good outcomes in the Safe Night Precinct – safe fun for all, good connections and good resolutions with people we assist, and salvation for those who are lost and searching.
- Pray that every single one of the men and women we come into contact with each weekend would sense the love of Jesus as we assist them.